Welcome to the Washington State Charter School Commission’s (Commission) Complaint Process.

The Commission complaint process is for students or parents and guardians of charter public school students to make complaints about the operation and administration of charter public schools that are authorized by the Commission. The Commission is committed to making its website content user-friendly to students, parents and guardians who are interested in filing a complaint. And in service of that goal, we have created this page to help provide a quality experience.

All charter public schools have their own complaint processes which should be followed first before filing a complaint with the Commission. Please visit your school’s webpage to access the school complaint process.

The Parent and Student Complaint form is available to all students, parents or guardians of a charter public school student who have attempted to file a complaint directly with their school and may not have received a resolution.

Please use the Community Complaint form if you are not a student, parent or guardian of a charter public school.

All information submitted in this form is public record that may be disclosed under the Washington State Public Records Act.

This flow chart shows the Commission’s process including steps that will be taken once a complaint is formally made. All complaints submitted using this form will receive a response within 10 business days.

Additional Resources

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Special Education Community Complaint Procedure

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Equity & Civil Rights Complaints Procedure

Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds