The Washington State Charter School Commission is the main authorizer of charter public schools in Washington and is an independent state agency. It was formed with the mission of creating a rigorous and comprehensive proposal process for qualified non-profits who wish to open a charter public school. The agency also monitors and provides oversight holding schools and charter public school boards accountable to high standards of quality. The Commission was formed following the passage of Initiative 1240 by state voters in 2012, which created the charter public school system in our state.
Charter public schools are created in a rigorous application process that includes review by an 11-person Commission who set clear criteria for prospective charter school operators. The Charter School Act outlines the powers and parameters of charter public schools in Washington. The Charter School Act also grants certain authority to authorized districts and a state authorizer (the Commission) who oversee and allow development of charter public schools.
The duties of the Commission also include ensuring that charter public schools are complying with their respective contracts and applicable rules and laws. The Commission also evaluates and reports on the performance of each charter public school. Additional duties of the Commission include regular in-person visits to charter public schools, quality school reviews, evaluation of performance frameworks, establishment of pre-opening conditions and oversight of an annual compliance calendar.
The Commission is committed to closing opportunity gaps between the state’s most and least privileged groups of students within the educational system. It has a moral and legal obligation to cultivate charter schools where socio-economic status and protected groups status such as race, gender, language, sexual orientation, national origin, and disability cease to be a predictor of academic and life outcomes. Educational equity benefits all students and our entire community.
The Commission has five subcommittees: executive, authorization, performance, legislative and finance. Commissioners serve up to two, four-year terms and are appointed by the governor, State Senate majority, State Senate minority, State House majority and State House minority. Additionally, the State Board of Education and Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction each appoint designees to serve on the Commission. The Commission strictly pursues transparent practices, is subject to the Open Meetings Act and holds regular meetings bimonthly, which may be viewed HERE.
The Commission has five subcommittees and its operations are defined in statute: executive, authorization, performance, legislative and finance. Commissioners serve for up to two, four-year terms and are appointed by the governor, State Senate majority, State Senate minority and State House minority. Additionally, the State Board of Education and Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction each appoint designees to serve on the Commission. Individuals nominated for the Commission have strong experience and expertise in public and nonprofit governance; management and finance; public school leadership, assessment, curriculum, and instruction; and public education law. All appointed members should demonstrate understanding of and commitment to charter schooling as a strategy for strengthening public education. By statute, the appointing authorities shall assure diversity among Commission members, including representation from various geographic areas of the state and shall assure that at least one member is the parent of a Washington public school student.
Committees: Executive, Legislative & Performance
Governor Appointment, March 2023
Second Term Expires March 2027
Committee: Authorization & Performance
House Majority Appointment, December 2019
Second Term Expires March 2027
Committees: Executive & Finance
State Board of Education Designee
Committees: Legislative & Performance
House Minority Appointment, May 2022
First Term Expires May 2026
Committees: Performance & Finance
Governor Appointment, November 2023
First Term Expires March 2026
Committees: Executive, Authorization, & Legislative
Senate Majority Leader Appointment, March 2020
Second Term Expires March 2028
Executive Director
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Accountability Officer
Oversight Manager
Oversight Manager
Technical Assistance Manager
Communications & Support Specialist